Monday, July 7, 2014

Psalm 23 (1 of 3)

The Lord is my shepherd;
    I have all that I need.   Psalm 23:1

Shepherds where known for the extreme care of their sheep. They weren't concerned with just the flock as a whole, but with each individual sheep. If a sheep were lost, the shepherd would look for it, if in danger, protect it, and if hungry, feed it.

God is just like these shepherds. He wants us to live a life knowing that He will take care of our needs. He will provide all we need, and make the necessary sacrifices to make sure that happens.

The keywords "my" and "I" signify that this is directed to each of us as individuals. God is looking for individually lost sheep that are wandering off on their own. He is looking to use us to make this happen. We need to believe in our hearts that he cares for us, and will provide for us, in order for the unbelievers around us to believe it.

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